May 24, 2021

New date for the postponed show has been confirmed

The date of the following shows, which were announced as postponements, has been confirmed.

ell.SIZE (Nagoya, Japan) February 14, 2021
-> Postponed date = June 27, 2021

Open 16:00 / Start 16:30
Adv 3,000yen / Door 3,500yen (+1Drink fee)


[Request to all visitors]
* Please refrain from visiting the venue if any of the following apply.
 - Those who have symptoms such as fever of 37.5 ° C or higher, headache, chills, cough, runny nose, malaise, and abnormal taste and smell.
 - Those who have visited a country or region where the infection has spread within 2 weeks, or who have close contact with an infected person
* Please be sure to wear a mask inside the venue. We will refuse admission for those who have not worn it. If anyone is removed from the venue, you will be asked to leave.
* Please cooperate in disinfecting your hands when entering and exiting.
* If a fever of 37.5 ° C or higher is confirmed by the temperature measurement performed at the time of admission, admission will be refused.
* Please secure as much distance as possible between customers, such as when lining up or inside the venue.